Final Scores for Game 116 (standard)

 PlayerFactionGoldCastlesKeepsTowersPeak ScoreStatus
1.RIGaDON RIGaDONTheDandyDons13011 
2.silent bob silent bobhell152000dead
3.Matt Johnson Matt Johnsonno fear-34000dead
4.Death Cougar Death CougarDynasty265000 
5.WarChief Pat WarChief PatBreton-8010 
6.Diws DiwsBrythunia27001 
7.logen ninefingers logen ninefingersDruss63000 
8.clair clairhairy clam6000 
9.King Owen The Brave King Owen The BraveClan Fennell468201 
10.Nick Miles Nick MilesJujinkai117000 
11.Taichi Chai Taichi ChaiFaction of Beryl139000 
12.LOD LODDark Elf3591000 
13.bloody bloodybloody154100dead


Most Powerful LeaderGaloin Grayling
Largest FactionClan Fennell
Richest FactionClan Fennell


Map Size20x20
Land %87.5
Sea %12.5
Owned %50.2
Your %-