Player Stats

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Player Jim Miller
Games Played50
Games Won 4
Player Score84 (view scoreboard)
Rank earl10

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Has played in 1 gameBlooded
Has played in 1 game
Has played in 10 gamesSeasoned
Has played in 10 games
Has won 1 standard gameWarrior
Has won 1 standard game
Has won 1 quest gameAdventurer
Has won 1 quest game
Has won 1 deity gameKnight
Has won 1 deity game
Has made 10 posts on the forumTalker
Has made 10 posts on the forum

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Previous Games

Religious Fervor in game 361 (view leaderboard)
Religious Fervor in game 350 (view leaderboard)
Cheese Raiders in game 346 (view leaderboard)
Religious Fervor in game 341 (view leaderboard)
Religious Fervor in game 338 (view leaderboard)
Religious Fervor in game 336 (view leaderboard)
Lightfoot Legends in game 332 (view leaderboard)
Pequods Perdition in game 278 (view leaderboard)
Ahabs Anger in game 277 (view leaderboard)
Billy Budd in game 274 (view leaderboard)
Williams Wastrels in game 271 (view leaderboard)
Potias Portion in game 269 (view leaderboard)
Call Me Ishmael in game 268 (view leaderboard)
Char Penquill in game 266 (view leaderboard)
Iagos Impulse in game 263 (view leaderboard)
Petruchio Perserveres in game 260 (view leaderboard)
Horatios Honor in game 257 (view leaderboard)
Bards Bashers in game 255 (view leaderboard)
Brutus Iscariot in game 251 (view leaderboard)
Bolingbrokes Ambition in game 249 (view leaderboard)
Kates Kiss in game 247 (view leaderboard)
Belated Offerings in game 244 (view leaderboard)
Banquos Burden in game 241 (view leaderboard)
Duncans Demise in game 239 (view leaderboard)
Oberons Outlaws in game 236 (view leaderboard)
Ariel Ascendant in game 234 (view leaderboard)
TybaultsTalon in game 232 (view leaderboard)
Falstafs Faithful Few in game 231 (view leaderboard)
Titus Androgenous in game 227 (view leaderboard)
Fortunatos Folly in game 225 (view leaderboard)
Rosalinds Rascals in game 223 (view leaderboard)
Richards Nail in game 221 (view leaderboard)
Antonios Pound in game 219 (view leaderboard)
Bardolfs Blisters in game 216 (view leaderboard)
Dick the Butcher in game 166 (view leaderboard)
Cobweb Dreams in game 164 (view leaderboard)
Hotspurs Host in game 163 (view leaderboard)
Ariel Ascendant in game 162 (view leaderboard)
Bardolfs Brigade in game 161 (view leaderboard)
Layon MacDuff in game 160 (view leaderboard)
Duncans Durk in game 159 (view leaderboard)
Falstaffs Fist in game 156 (view leaderboard)
Yoriks Canines in game 154 (view leaderboard)
Ancient Pistol in game 153 (view leaderboard)
Titus Andronicus in game 152 (view leaderboard)
Pucks Pixies in game 151 (view leaderboard)
Romeo Blades in game 150 (view leaderboard)
Ceasars Sword in game 148 (view leaderboard)
Ghadz Dreamer in game 146 (view leaderboard)
Mercutios Sting in game 143 (view leaderboard)
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